Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A stitch in time saves nine.

xiǎo dòng bù bǔ dà dòng chī kǔ
A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole (idiom); a stitch in time saves nine.

I have written the above idiom a number of times in the last few years. Unfortunately, most of the Lion members in District 308A2 either don’t understand it or probably think that old proverbs do not apply in today’s world.

I wrote to the District Governor of Lions Clubs of District 308A2 and many of the Past District Governors from 2016 to 2018 about the three secret bank accounts maintained by the Past Presidents' Council of Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host.

None of the PDG’s or DG during those three years bothered about my complaint. They had said that this was club matter and that they will not get involved in this.

The Registry of Societies (ROS), after investigation, decided to deregister the club on 28.6.2018.

I had then let the matter rest until 27.5.2019 when I had to go to court to attend a hearing on my complaint made in 2004 (yes – 15 years ago) to the Inquiry Committee on another matter. As I was already in the courthouse I decided to see if I could get the affidavits filed in court by John Ho against the Registry of Societies (ROS) in November 2018.This was not preplanned and was done on the spur of the moment.

A quick glance at the affidavit revealed that there were many lies which tantamount to perjury. 

Also, annexed to the affidavit was a letter to the Minister of Home Affairs with untrue statements to convince the Minister to write to the ROS to reinstate the deregistered club.

For a Past District Governor to write to the Minister stating untrue matters and filing that document in court is, in my opinion,improper and unbecoming of a Past District Governor of the Lions Movement..

I have, today - 21.10.2019, written an email to the District Governor, Dr. Gan Kean Siong, to look into this matter and take necessary action instead of sweeping the matter under the carpet as he had previously done.

I believe that this should not be classified as a 'Club issue' but a 'Lions Movement issue' as it involves Lions the world over.

District Governors and Past District Governors should have unimpeachable integrity.

I will keep you updated on this matter, after a short break until 15.11.2019.

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