Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Lions Clubs - Mistake or a sin

A sin is more than a mistake. It’s a deliberate choice to do something you know is wrong.

Is a scheme orchestrated by a few so called educated members of a club a mistake? I think it is not.

Many people assume that a mistake and sin are synonymous but are they?

Monday, April 22, 2019

An insult to the Lion's District Governor of District 308A2

A few days ago I saw an invitation by Lions Club Centennial where the invitation was extended to George Kunjan and to John Ho. Of course one may invite anyone as a guest. 

However, I also saw LCKK Host in the list of invitees. I thought it was a mistake and decided to let it be.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Quotable quotes (Part 3) – Pung Chen Choon (CCPung)

When I was still a member of the club I wrote an email to all members of Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host and asked if there were more than the two bank accounts extended to the BOD. 

No member responded. Then I found out that the auditor of the accounts for year 2015/2016 was Pung Chen Choon our in-house expert on Robert Rules.

I wrote an email to him as auditor and also posted the following on Face Book and received his response as below.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Quotable quotes 2 - Mysterious bank accounts

“The 2 accounts disclosed to ROS are project account and administrative account. These must not be confused with bank accounts. Under project account we can have as many bank accounts as we want. There is nothing mysterious about it.” (John SF Ho)

Would you believe that the above is written by a qualified accountant?

Friday, April 19, 2019

Quotable quotes (Part 1)

On 12.12.2016 John SF Ho sent a Whats app message to the members of Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host as follows:

J Ho: “The onus of proof of any wrong doing is on the accuser. Let Luqman prove KK Host has 3 bank accounts at Alliance Bank. Any legal organization can have as many bank accounts they want.”

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The scheme

A scheme is an organized plan for doing something, 
especially dishonest or illegal that will bring a good 
result for the schemers.
Why did Arabi Wazani, CC Pung, Tan Sing Ben and Joseph Chai open the third bank account in Alliance bank when they already had two different bank accounts in Hong Leong Bank under the name Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu (without the suffix Host)? 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Lions Club’s secret third bank account in Alliance Bank

A third bank account was opened in Alliance bank by 4 people whom I understand to be
a.       Arabi Wazani
b.      Joseph Chai
c.       CC Pung and
d.      Tan Sing Ben

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Attempt to replace Lions Club's Constitution

Below is the Past Presidents Constitution that was attempted to be filed in with ROS. It goes contrary to the Lions International Standard Constitution and By-Laws.

Here are some relevant points from the new set of Rules and Constitution of LCKK Host. The underlining is made by me. My comments are in red. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Before and after Past Presidents’ Council was formed

Before the Past Presidents Council was formed in 2000 all expenses of entertaining foreign visitors were shared by members of the club. The president of the year will collect funds from members to defray the cost of entertaining foreign visitors.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

How the police investigation office failed in its duty

There were two major matters I had complained about:

1.       Misappropriation of funds which tantamount to criminal breach of trust
2.       Manipulation of minutes

1.       Misappropriation of funds

i.                     A bank account was opened in Alliance bank by 4 people whom I understand to be
a.       Arabi Wazani
b.      Joseph Chai
c.       CC Pung and
d.      Tan Sing Ben

Friday, April 12, 2019

Overconfidence precedes carelessness.

Here is a Chinese story about overconfidence.

The story is about a praying mantis that waved its arms angrily in front of an approaching carriage, unaware that it was incapable of stopping it? Such was the high opinion it had of its talents.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Police vs Lawyers

All the lawyers I spoke to said that my club members involved in misappropriating monies from the club account can be charged under Criminal Breach of Trust.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

My police report 4.4.2017 (Part 2)

On 21.3.2017 I gave the Investigation Officer- IO a letter addressed to The Chief of Police (which was duly acknowledged receipt by her), saying that I have been informed by a Past President, Mr. Norman Lie Chin Man, that a 10-page document presented at the 8th BOD meeting dated 7.2.2017 was written in just one sentence in the 8th BOD minutes. The 10 page report was not circulated to members.

Friday, April 5, 2019

My police report 2 years ago (Part 1)

My police report 2 years ago was to the then Police Chief of Karamunsing DCP Chandra which was not responded to.
The above Police report was on 2 matters as follows:
i.                     Manipulations of minutes of meetings in my club
ii.                   Criminal Breach of Trust where club monies is used for purposes other than intended.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My ordeal with the Investigating officer

On 1.4.2019, after having prepared a complete set of report to accompany my police report I went to the Karamunsing police station (Karamunsing is in Kota Kinabalu which is the capital city of Sabah). 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Another police report

I just prepared another police report and will submit it to the police later this morning.

I am not sure if there is going to be any use in my reporting to the police as our investigating officer (IO) that dealt with my case in December 2016 did not even know that a club can have a financial year end on any month end other than December 31st. The IO simply did not accept that there can be any other year-end despite my explanation to her. She could not accept that the Lions Clubs had a financial year ending on 30th June.