Friday, July 27, 2018

Response to a comment on De registration (Part 2)

Here is the comment and my response.

Diane Carmelia:  Luqman, the answer to your question could be derived from the position taken by LCI legal division in this attached email reply on the same matter of a deregistered club. 

I looked at the response from LCI’s Mr. David Kingsbury (Attorney for LCI) shared by Diane and don’t have much to say. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Response to a comment on De registration (Part 1)

Here is the comment and my response.
Diane Carmelia:  Luqman, the answer to your question could be derived from the position taken by LCI legal division in this attached email reply on the same matter of a deregistered club.

Their position is one that clearly says as long as, LCI requirements are met, one is a lion member with full rights. The email clearly passed the burden of registration/deregistration back to the District and/or the Multitude District, UNFORTUNATELY !

My Response: None of the District leaders knew what to do when I complained about misappropriation of funds and manipulation of minutes’ by LCKKHost. This only goes to show, like Diane has pointed in her comment, that many are NOT qualified to hold high positions in the lion’s movement.

I had taken the trouble to telephone our current DG Tiong Yong Tiing and advised him not to appoint anyone from Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host as cabinet officers until the case has been resolved with ROS. What motive could I have had other than to prevent any further embarrassment?  After listening to me he still went ahead and appointed 2 members from the club. What qualification does one need to think logically?

As for LCI requirements being met, I did inform LCI that funds have been misappropriated by club members. Did LCI err when they did not place LCKKHost under status quo when Lions clubs may be placed in the following categories of status quo:

Failure to comply with the purposes of the association, or conduct unbecoming a Lions club, such as, but not limited to, failure to solve club disputes or involvement in litigation.

The club is non-existing or fictitious.

Misappropriation of funds and distortion of minutes of meetings, I believe, will fall under ‘conduct unbecoming of a Lions Club’.

As for ‘non existence or fictitious club’ LCKKHost clearly falls under this category. The club was operating under the name 'LCKKHost' long before the name was approved by ROS in 2016.

LCI legal division TOTALLY ignored the fact (despite being provided with full Malaysian Societies Act 1966 provisions) that the members of an unregistered / deregistered society are ILLEGAL members of an ILLEGAL society (club).

Since D308 A-2 is a duly registered society made up of duly registered lions clubs, it is AGAINST the Societies Act 1966 for them to even allow the unregistered /deregistered club and/or members to join their activities, and definitely NOT to appoint any member of an ILLEGAL club to be a office bearer of D308 A2 which is under the jurisdiction of ROS. 

My Response: The secretary of the club Francis Liew was the one who took the letter from ROS and yet I believe he went up the stage, on the same day he collected the letter, to collect some awards given out by DG Pelly Lee.
1. Why did he not inform Pelly Lee about the letter?
2. Which members of the club knew about the letter he collected from ROS?
3. How was the First BOD meeting conducted by the club in July 2018 when the club was de registered on 28.6.2018?
4. Another meeting was held on 17.7.2018. Were the two meetings not illegal meetings that can be acted upon by the police?

In your case previously, the then DG should have just referred the matter to the District Chairperson for Constitution and Bylaws and let that person handle it first. However, the DC for CBL was made redundant in his capacity!  It just goes to show that many are NOT qualified, academic qualification not withstanding, to hold high offices in the lions movement. Period.

Response: I think Diane has said it all.

For the full story read 'Wolves among Lions' available at:

Below is the email reply from LCI legal division verbatim. (Part 2)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Denial mode

Why are many members of Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu in denial mode? Why are they refusing to accept reality or fact?

Friday, July 6, 2018

Lions Motto - "We serve" - What does it mean?

These two emails are the last two communication between LCI and me. LCI has categorically told me that they will not communicate with me. 

But then there are many other avenues to seek a solution and to put things right. 

Lions all over the world should learn that they cannot sweep things under the carpet. Clubs should realise that there are Lions including Lions who have been expelled who actually live by the motto"We serve" and they do not follow the crowd.

The following is my last email to LCI and LCI's response. LCI did not address the many questions I had raised in my email posted in my last article and neither have they tried to see the logic in this email - my last email-  to them. 

I will tag other Lions and see if they have any comments.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Arrogance and stupidity of Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu host

Why did the LCKKHost members write to the Daily Express and lie through their teeth? I believe when people become arrogant they act stupidly like LCKKHost did.

It was when the LCKKHost wrote in response to the article in Daily Express that I realized that the person who had written to the newspaper had lied to the police and why the police had decided not to investigate my complaint any further.

I decided to write to LCIF in February 2018 and LCI responded to my mails.