Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Denial mode

Why are many members of Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu in denial mode? Why are they refusing to accept reality or fact?

Denial is nothing but avoiding the truth.
The latest denial comes from our International Director Dato Dr. K. Nagaratnam.

I had written to our current DG Tiong Yong Tiing in early June asking him not to appoint anyone from Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu as cabinet officers as my complaint with ROS is still on-going. However, Tiong still went ahead and appointed two members of the club as cabinet officers. 

Last night (24.7.18) was the installation ceremony of cabinet officers. And just before the installation I was forwarded a list of cabinet officers to be installed. The list included members of the de registered club.

To prevent any further mishap I wrote to the vice DG who accepted what I wrote with a word of thanks. I did not write to Tiong as he is not in my contact list.

I also wrote to Dato Nagaratnam to whom I had written a few emails over the months. He had pushed his responsibility and asked me to contact the DG. I wrote to him again last night before the installation and he replied that he was told that the ‘Club is still in good standing with ROS’.

I am not quite sure if that is denial or pure stupidity especially when both the members from my former club were not present at the installation.

My purpose of informing was to prevent the first lady International President Guðrún Björt Yngvadóttir

(Gudrun Yngvadottir)  from making a blunder.
Why can’t these guys I had complained to determine if the allegations are substantiated?

What we are lacking is the ‘speak up’ culture. If just a few members from my former club dared to speak up when I first started probing into the secret bank accounts we will still be enjoying our club activities and I personally will have a great time in our project with kids education.

In the case of my former club it would have been best to have addressed the problem on the onset. The pitfall of ignoring the truth has led to oldest club in Sabah to be de registered. 

But why do people go into a denial mode?
I don’t know about Nagaratnam but is it possible that many of the past presidents are afraid of their finger prints on the ‘pie’…….

Read about the facts in my book 'Wolves among Lions' available on Amazon. Here is a link 


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