Monday, November 18, 2019

Kim Goldsworthy's letter transcribed

I transcribe below the letter from Kim Goldsworthy for easy reading.
Dear Mr.Luqman Michel,
In reply to your PDF Documents.
I am flabbergasted that my NAME and my PHOTOGRAPH has been used where I have never *confirmed* any such writings.
·         I have never dealt with “The Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host”
·         I have never read the bylaws of “Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host.”
·         I do not know who “Lion Francis Liew” is (i.e. the signer of the document).
I have clipped the text from your “notification”.

Kim Goldsworthy, an authority and a panelist on Roberts Rules Questions and Answers Forum have confirmed on 19.11.2016 at 4.28pm all those public postings is sufficient to conclude Luqman Michel’s unworthiness of membership and no further due process is required.

Please inform your organization that I never read a single line of any of your (Luqman Michel) Facebook page postings. – I object to the phrase “… all those public postings are sufficient …” I never read any public postings. I never “confirmed” that “those postings” were “sufficient”.
·         I CAN confirm that writings CAN be sufficient evidence in a disciplinary process but I am in no position to confirm anyone's specific postings were, or were not, "sufficient"- Someone would have to read the text. - And then someone would have to judge the text. I never read a single word of such a postig.
In a disciplinary process, a parliamentarian is not a judge of a thing. – The organization is to be the judge of such a thing.
I find it dishonourable that:

(a)    My good name has been used without my permission.
(b)   In a cause I did not know about;
(c)    And my (never even quoted) reply to a generic question was misunderstood, and then twisted to a invalid interpretation.



Luqman Michel said...

How devious can a Past District Governor of a Lions Club, that misappropriated funds from the public, get?

Luqman Michel said...

Pung Chen Choon said at a subsequent Board Meeting that this letter is irrelevant. What has happened has happened and let's move on.

What kind of Lions are these guys?