Monday, June 6, 2022

Lions Clubs - Past District Governors


A resolution has been passed during the International Convention to amend the qualification of district governor and vice district governors.

Effective July 1, 2022, Lions who previously served as a district governor will not be eligible to be elected as district governor or vice district governor.

The website further added: You (PDGs) have a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to help your club, district and the association move forward.  


My comment:

Yes, it makes sense that Past District Governors should not be eligible to be elected as District Governors again.

Similarly, a resolution should be passed to not make it eligible for Zone Chairpersons and Regional chairpersons to be appointed for the second time. This will ensure that more past presidents have a chance to be a zone or regional chairperson.

Yes, PDGs have a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to help the association move forward. Unfortunately, this appears to be lacking among the PDGs.

When I complained about the misappropriation of funds by the key members of the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host in 2017 no PDG came forward to investigate the matter giving the excuse that each club is autonomous.

There should be some resolution passed on this matter where PDGs should be allowed to question club members on whom such complaints have been lodged.

If PDGs had taken an active role in investigating my complaint the club will not have been deregistered.

I believe PDGs should be given the power to look into matters that may affect the good name of the Lions Movement.

PDGs should be allowed to question DG elect if complaints have been received by them on dubious appointments of Zone and Regional chairpersons. Read my post found here.

On another note, who is to question LCI for accepting payment from a Club that had been deregistered?

LCI was informed that the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host was deregistered and yet LCI accepted International dues. What does this action portray to the general public on the integrity of the Lions Movement which states:  Lions Clubs International insists on the highest standards of personal and professional integrity?

Where is the Lions ethics which states: As Lions, we hold ourselves to the absolute highest standards in everything we do?

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