Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Lions Club KKHost - Illusory Superiority

Ever feel that you’re surrounded by idiots? Feel like everyone else has their IQ in the single digits? Then perhaps, you’ve got a case of illusory superiority! Either that or the people around you really are idiots.

When people are incompetent, not only do they reach wrong conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but also they are robbed of the ability to realize their mistakes. Instead of being confused, perplexed, or thoughtful about their erroneous ways, incompetent people insist their ways are correct. As Charles Darwin said, “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.” These are the people with a case of illusory superiority.

Even with hard facts only 14 members resigned from the ill fated Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host. Are the remaining members’ real idiots?

Why is it that the remaining members are unable to accept the reliability of the reports presented at the 8th BOD meeting despite it being detailed? One of the reasons could be that they have not been handed the reports presented by the Past President at the 8th BOD meeting. Anyway, this is how the BOD has been keeping the members in the dark.

Is it possible that one continues to be an idiot because one is too stupid to realize that one is an idiot?

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