Thursday, March 5, 2020

Email to Lion dignitaries

Yew Hee Chieng, Gan Kean Siong, Tiong Yong Tiing, Lee Pelly, Eu Hea Chieng, Tan Tsu Kun, Erich Tiong Chang Cheng, Adrian Liew, Lydia Lu Siew Fong

Dear Lion Friends,
I am Luqman Michel who was expelled from the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host in 2017 January.
I filed a complaint to ROS in December 2016 as soon as I found out that a notice to expel me was to be sent out.
The club was de-registered on 28.6.2018.

Following that, I went about my business as usual. Subsequently, I heard that LCKKHost was trying to get reinstated and I wished them good luck in my Face Book post. I believed that they would have learned their lesson.
Sometime in December 2018, I heard that John Ho had filed a case against ROS but I was not concerned.
In March 2019 I had to go to the courthouse for a mention of a complaint I had made against a law firm. As I was in the courthouse, on impulse I decided to make a search on the case filed by John Ho and Francis Liew against ROS.
I found that there were many untrue statements in the affidavit filed. I decided to complain against the lawyer who had drafted the case. I filed the complaint to the Advocates Disciplinary Board against the lawyer and not against the club or John Ho.
In the process of this case between the lawyer and me, John Ho decided to file an affidavit in favour of the lawyer. This affidavit contains many lies that implicate the LCKKHost.
The case has been heard and submissions filed and awaiting the verdict. Since then I decided to write to LCKKHost members asking them to ask John Ho to resign and if not to have him expelled. Failing this I had promised to take legal action against John Ho and Francis Liew which will implicate the club and many of the members including Thomas Ho.
I will take action after Hari Raya which will be at the end of May.
I understand from reliable sources that Thomas Ho Thau Phin is considered for the post of Region Chairperson.
I urge you all to reconsider this as we do not want the same thing that happened in 2018/2019.

The ball is at your feet.
I have asked the PDG Eve Wong, Pelly Lee, Tiong Yong Tiing, and the current DG Gan Kean Siong  to settle this matter amicably but no one has taken any action which could have settled this matter a long time ago.
I have wasted a lot of time in writing to the Club members in recent times asking to have a meeting between a few members and me to settle this matter to no avail.
It appears that taking legal action is inevitable.
Thank you and kind regards,
Luqman Michel

1 comment:

Luqman Michel said...

This is an update on the information on this post.
1. The case I had filed against the lawyer was dismissed.
2. Thomas Ho was not appointed as region chairman.
3. None from LCKKHost were appointed to any position.
4. I have been busy with other important matters but will be able to pursue the outstanding club matters by year end.