Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Rotary International 4 way test

The four questions above make up the Rotary 4-way test. By knowing and using this test, in any charitable organization we could all become better people, but first we must understand what each question means. Let us deal with only the first:

                                                        “Is it the TRUTH?”

When we ask ourselves this question, we are asking if what we are about to say is honest. 

Could the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host (LCKKHost) have asked this question and therefore avoided all the problems that have transpired?

Why did so many educated men in LCKKHost stray from the truth? 

Most of us know the Ten Commandments but many of the members of LCKKHost believed in the 11th commandment which is “Don’t get caught”. AND they did not get caught until Luqman Michel came along.

I have always quoted Buddha: 

        ‘The sun, the moon and the truth cannot be hidden for too long’.

Now, that my book ‘Wolves among Lions’ is available and read around the world, readers are aware of ‘THE TRUTH’.

You may get a copy of ‘Wolves among Lions’ from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

For those in Malaysia and Singapore you may get it from this link.

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