Sunday, March 24, 2019

Forgiveness and forgetting

Since young I never bothered about what other people will think when I do certain things. I just focus on what is right and what makes me happy.
I believe that as we build our self-worth, our need to seek approval will diminish dramatically. 

Recently a friend advised me not to write about Lions on Face Book and I then deleted all my recent posts on FB and decided not to post articles on what had happened in my Lions Club on this FB page which I reserved for Dyslexia topics. However, recent events have made me change my mind.

I ask myself if I am who I am or am I what society tells me to do. Am I going to let generalized ideas from confusing me from my true identity?

I want to do things because I want to do and live my life on my own terms and not anyone else’s.

We live in a society where we are constantly told to be positive and to forgive others for their transgressions. Recently I listened to a message by Sadhguru Vasudeva on forgiveness. Here is a summary of the message.

 “…idea of forgiving is not forgetting….Forgiveness means you do not carry bitterness in you because it destroys your life. How to act upon one who commits this crime upon you or somebody else? …sometimes forgiving means rehabilitating them. .. sometimes forgiving them means imprisoning them. 

First try and embrace him (I tried). If it doesn’t work rehabilitate him (I tried this too). If it doesn’t work,  restrain him. If it doesn’t work you have to butcher him. It depends on the situation.

Forgiving means you do not carry any bitterness in you; that you will not act out of resentment but act on what is needed for the situation. Whatever is needed that is Mahabarath. There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose and just do what is required to be done. That is Mahabarath. Forgiving does not mean you won’t do what is needed. The biggest problem in this country is that we forget. You remember every bitter moment in your life but do not carry bitterness in your heart and that is forgiving.”

Yes, I remember 38 out of 41 members of the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu host voting against me despite some members like Muthusamy and Jim Rajaratnam and Visvalingam having known me for many years.

(Let us not forget the remaining approximately 30 members who refrained from attending the EGM.)

However, I had decided to let it go and move on until now when I found out that John Ho has decided to challenge ROS in court with the mandate given by many members.
When will these people ever learn!

“Just because you're not going down the same path as other people doesn't mean it's the wrong path.”

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