Saturday, September 21, 2024

Truth kept silent


In 2017 I was expelled from the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host.

The Past District Governor John Ho had schemed to operate 3 secret bank accounts unknown to most members and directors of the club.

The scheme was operated clandestinely for over 10  years until I joined and suspected something was amiss.

John Ho convinced most club members to expel me instead of settling the matter amicably.

The result was the deregistration of the club despite John Ho seeking the help of a minister.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Criminal offence


In 2018 I hurriedly wrote ‘Wolves among Lions’. No one has disputed what I wrote in that book.

Recently, a Lion Club said it had an election meeting when none was held.

A former officer from the crime division in Kota Kinabalu has confirmed that falsified information registered at ROS is a criminal offense.

I emailed the district Governor, Annie Ho. She brushed this aside, saying it had been resolved by the club.

I asked Annie Ho specifically about the date and venue of the election meeting held by the club in question. There is no response.

Coincidentally I saw a Facebook post by PDG Lawrence Ting this morning. It is about him leading a delegate to Taiwan in 2015 when he was DG. 


I commented on Lawrence Ting’s Facebook post a few days ago. Today, I decided to write to him on his Messenger.

There was no reply from him.

Here is my message to him:

My friend. You may ask why I refer to you. It is because you were the DG when I joined the Lions club. I was expelled for exposing fraud.

I think entering details in the ROS register of a meeting that never happened is a criminal offense. I have informed you. I have written and also spoken to Annie Ho. I want to see what action you will take.

No election meeting was held but entries were made in the ROS register. You may check and then take action against Annie Ho for not doing what she has to do.

I am not a member but I don't have to be a member to report a criminal offense.

Coincidentally, a Facebook friend wrote the following in an unrelated post.

The lack of response from the country's leaders and law enforcement raises questions about the extent of involvement and potential political connections. What factors contribute to the silence surrounding this issue?

Yes, what factors contribute to the silence by the Lions around the world surrounding the issues where a Lion Club has said it had an election meeting when it did not?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A stitch in time saves nine


小洞不堵,大洞吃苦. xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng chī kǔ.

I used the above proverb several times in 2017 when I complained about the secret bank accounts operated by the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host.

The first person I then wrote to was PDG Lawrence Ting. He said he was no longer the DG and I should write to DG Eve Wong.

I wrote to several other PDG’s who did not even bother to respond to my emails.

History repeats


Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host was de-registered because my pleas to settle amicably were not heeded.

Now something similar is brewing where a Club President, does not listen to the club members.

A club filed the names of the officers for July 2024 to June 2025 in the ROS register.

There was an argument that an AGM was required to elect the officers.