Thursday, January 16, 2025

Email to ROS Headoffice


    "Akhirnya, mereka yang berdiri di pihak kebenaran akan sentiasa 
menang, manakala   mereka yang berada di pihak yang salah akan jatuh,"
(Tengku Hassanal- crown prince of Pahang)


This is my email to ROS Headoffice.,

Wed 15 Jan at 04:50

Dear Sir,

This is a follow-up to my email dated 9.1.25 attached below.

In December I requested the investigation’s results and was informed that the matter had been resolved and a Notice 14 (2) had been issued to the Club.

Upon checking with the members complaining, I was informed that no election meeting was held to rectify the situation.

The AGM minutes with a fabricated Election Meeting were removed from the club’s WhatsAPP Group chat by the administrators. (See attachment)

On 11.12.24 I wrote another email to Puan Yuniezah of ROS asking her if a member can go to ROS to get the information about what document was filled in to update the records of the new office bearers. There was no response.

I then wrote an email on 8.1.25 stating that no election meeting was held after Notice 14 (2) was issued to the club.

On 10.1.25 I received a reply that the matter has been resolved. I was also informed that ROS discovered that I was not a member.

I had informed Enc. Kipli when I met him in September that I was not a member and I was complaining as this is of public interest. I checked with the Sabah Law Association and was informed for public interest complaints one does not need to be a member. Anyone has the right to make a complaint or allegation about corrupt or improper conduct by civil servants without fear of reprisal.

When a member and I went in September 2024 to obtain information about which document was filled up to update the ROS register with the new office bearers we were told to get it from the club. This was despite the member saying he would fill out any form required to obtain the information. He wanted this information to report to LCI.


I am informed that the key members of this club have political connections. This could be why the blatant disregard for Notice 14 (2).

Sir, ROS ensures a society runs according to its constitution and by-laws.

Section 16 of the Act, says that if the Registrar thinks a dispute has occurred, it can demand an explanation from the society. If it does not get a satisfactory explanation from the society, the ROS can de-register it.

The ROS should not be seen as being partisan. It should be there to affect a neutral position on its objects. It is not supposed to take sides.

Club officers cannot be considered duly elected if no election is held. For officers to be officially recognized as duly elected there must be a formal election process that adheres to the club's bylaws or governing rules. If no election took place, the officers do not have the mandate that comes from being elected by the membership.

Appointing officers without following the established election process, even if the appointees are qualified individuals, would generally not be viewed as a legitimate or lawful means of selecting club leadership. The club's members should have the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidates through a fair election.

The duly elected officers are meant to represent the will of the club, which requires an actual voting process, not just appointment by a small group.

Please take appropriate action to resolve this matter.

This club should be de-registered as a lesson to other clubs and future Lion members.

I have no hesitation in escalating this matter.

See attachments:

1 Fabricated Election meeting was removed from the Group WhatsApp after I complained to ROS.

Note that there is no date and place of meeting. According to members I had checked with there was no election held.

2. Daily Express report.

3. Chinese News Paper report by a Lions Club Member.


Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.

Thank you and kind regards,

Luqman Michel

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