Friday, March 7, 2025

Public Complaint Bureau


A friend asked me what PCB is. It is the Public Complaint Bureau or Biro Pangaduan Awam (In Malay).

Here are some extracts from a website. LINK.

Public complaints are complaints made by the public on their dissatisfaction towards any administrative injustice, abuse of power, mismanagement and other similar acts by Government agencies.

The following are types of complaints that can be lodged by the public:

        Delay or no action

        Unfair action

        Inadequacies of Policy Implementation and Law

        Abuses of Power

        Misconduct of Civil Servants

        Failure to Adhere to Set Procedures

        Unsatisfactory Quality of Service Provided

        Failure to Enforce Regulations/Laws

        Miscellaneous Complaint

All complaints on government administration can be investigated except Government policies and matters that are under the authority of:

        Public Accounts Committee

        Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)

        Legal Aid Department

        Family disputes/personal problems

Here is the case complained to ROS and then complained to PCB. Let us see if the buck stops here or if we should escalate it further.

I complained to ROS about the Centennial Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu in September 2024. I complained that Office bearers and the Board of Directors for 2024/2025 were appointed instead of elected.

The secretary (or someone else with her password) filled out the online form to update the office bearers of the club without having an election.

A question by a member on which online form was filled out was not answered by ROS and the club secretary. A fabricated election meeting was circulated to members of the club.

I have complained to PCB. Now, the question is whether the buck should stop here or if it should be reported to SPRM. (SPRM is MACC)

Meanwhile, what are all the PDGs of District 308A2 doing while this club is dragging the Lions name in the mud? Should the PDGs be hiding behind the ‘autonomous’ cloak?

1 comment:

Luqman Michel said...

A normal case is a complaint that is resolved within 15 working days, and it is used as a key performance indicator.
Complaints that are classified as complex are set to be resolved within 16 days to 365 days.

Is PCB’s status independent and efficient? Is the PCB equipped with real teeth to initiate investigations and enforce remedial actions? Is PCB a paper tiger that does superficial work for public consumption?

My complaint ought to be classified as a simple case.

Since ROS gave a lame excuse that I am not a member, what is their excuse now that a member has filed a complaint?