Saturday, March 8, 2025

Death of human empathy


This morning, I came across a post on LinkedIn by Martin Dearlove discussing the decline of human empathy, which inspired me to write this reflection. This is my own perspective.


Recently, my friend Adam Chin Chee Thau received a letter notifying him to either voluntarily leave his club or face expulsion within seven days. I can relate to his situation, as I experienced something similar in 2017 when I reached out to various Lion members, including Past District Governors, who refused to engage due to a misguided autonomy rule imposed by Lions Club International.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Public Complaint Bureau


A friend asked me what PCB is. It is the Public Complaint Bureau or Biro Pangaduan Awam (In Malay).

Here are some extracts from a website. LINK.

Public complaints are complaints made by the public on their dissatisfaction towards any administrative injustice, abuse of power, mismanagement and other similar acts by Government agencies.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Restricting complaints to only members of a club


This morning, a Facebook friend, Dwayne Min Johnson, taught me a new Chinese phrase "长江后浪推前浪" (cháng jiāng hòu làng tuī qián làng), which translates to "the waves behind drive the waves in front" in English. This idiom carries a rich metaphorical meaning.

This is apt for our discussion on Lions Clubs International sticking with a decades-old system of saying that only members can complain about Lions Clubs flagrantly breaking rules and regulations set up by LCI. This sounds like the club telling LCI, ‘catch me if you can’, knowing that no member will complain to LCI.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Importance of a cabinet officer for the District Governor




Dwayne Min Johnson

You really hate Lions Club. You attack a club and claim it was a crime ….to me, this is an attack.

It must be related to the April election...Hopefully, you can achieve your goals by then.

Luqman Michel my question is still the same….What’s your motive behind it, but when I saw your posting on the Mandarin version ..I guess I know why and who is behind all this… can tell the whole world how righteous you can be, but people with a clear view will know what your motive is…good luck to you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Autonomy of Lions Clubs


The autonomy of Lions Clubs within the larger framework of Lions Clubs International (LCI) is a fundamental aspect of the organisation. While LCI provides guidance, resources, and a shared mission, each club is ultimately responsible for its governance and compliance with local laws and regulations.

This autonomy allows clubs to tailor their activities and policies to fit the specific needs of their communities, with each club operating independently and having its own elected officers and decision-making processes. However, this independence also comes with legal responsibilities, and clubs must ensure they comply with all relevant local laws in addition to LCI's rules and regulations.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Loophole in the Lions organisation


This is a continuation of my post at LINK

I am collating information from my blog posts to write an open letter to Lions Clubs International on club autonomy and the loopholes it creates for those with criminal intent.

“Falsifying documents” is a type of white-collar crime. It involves altering, changing, or modifying a document to deceive another person. It can also involve the passing along of copies of documents that are known to be false.

Here is a sentence from my post here.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Loophole in the Lions organisation and perhaps other Charitable organisations.




I am collating information from my blog posts to write an open letter to Lions Clubs International on club autonomy and the loopholes it creates for those with criminal intent.

This is what I read in my post in November 2016. “A conspiracy consists …in the agreement of two or more to do an unlawful act or to do lawful act by unlawful means.”