Thursday, February 13, 2025

Critical Thinking and the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Centennial.


See below for Chinese translation.
I read a post on Facebook this morning and have adapted it for what is going on in a Lions Club in Kota Kinabalu.
I understand a senior Lion has been suspected of divulging information to a non-lion. He was given a notice of expulsion by the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Centennial. The notice of expulsion is signed by the President who is the daughter of the 1st VDG. The not duly elected BOD members had a board meeting approving the expulsion. (There was no election meeting to elect the officers and Board of Directors for the year 2024/2025.) 
The truth is the person who divulged the information to a member of another chub is the 1st VDG. That member then informed another member who informed me.
We all know what is good for the goose is good for the gander. 
There is concrete evidence that the 1st VDG was the one who spread the information. What is the club or other members of the Lions fraternity going to do with the 1st VDG? Should she not be expelled from the club?
In today’s information war, the biggest threat is our failure to think critically. 
How to Be a Better Critical Thinker:
Be 10% more skeptical of people you agree with—and 10% more charitable to those you disagree with.
This helps break confirmation bias and makes you more objective.
True critical thinkers analyse all sides, not just defend their "team."
Avoid echo chambers—if a source only confirms what you already believe, it’s reinforcing bias.
Disinformation thrives when people stop questioning their own side.
Emotional reactions often override logic—making us easier to manipulate.

Translated into Mandarin
批判性思维与亚庇百年狮子会 (Kota Kinabalu Centennial Club)
我了解到一位资深狮子被怀疑向一位非狮子会员泄露信息。他收到了亚庇百年狮子会的开除通知。开除通知由第一 副区长 的女儿签署。未正式选举的董事会成员召开会议批准了开除决定。(2024/2025年度的官员和董事会成员并没有举行选举会议。)
事实是,泄露信息给其他俱乐部成员的人是第一 副区长 (1st VDG)。该成员随后通知了另一位成员,最后通知了我。
我们都知道“鹅所需的对鹅来说是好的,对公鹅也同样适用”。(What is good for the gander is good for the goose)
有确凿证据表明,第一 副区长是传播信息的人。俱乐部或其它狮子兄弟会的成员将如何处理第一副区长 ?她是否应当被开除出俱乐部?

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