Monday, February 24, 2025

My email to Dato Yeoh Wah Chin


The following was a reminder to the International Director of Lions in September 2024.

This is for posterity to inform Lions that I did all I could to nip this problem in the bud. 

luqman michel
Mon, 30 Sept 2024 at 13:25

On Sunday, 22 September 2024 at 18:06:38 GMT+8, luqman michel <> wrote:

Dear Dato Yeow Wah Chin,

I pray this email finds you in good health and cheer.


Dato, in 2017 and 2018 I wrote emails to many PDGs and the then DG Eve Wong about the extra bank accounts maintained by the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host. I also wrote to the International Director. No one took heed and the club was deregistered after an investigation by ROS.

It has come to my attention that the Centennial Club of Kota Kinabalu updated the ROS records with the names of the new officer bearers when no election was held.

Questions by the Club members as to when and where the election was held have been ignored by the Club President, Club Secretary and Vice DG Winnie.

I emailed the DG Annie Ho and explained it is a criminal offense to falsify the records at ROS with new officer bearers for 2024/2025 when no election was convened.

Instead of investigating this matter and reporting to LCI, Annie Ho asked me to report to LCI. The Lion Members believe I cannot take action because I am a non-member.

You as an advocate and solicitor would know that I am duty bound to take action when I am aware of a crime.

I am now complaining to you and request you look into this matter.

Please do not sweep this matter under the carpet as did the International Director in 2017 when I wrote to him.

You may refer to my blog posts for details. You are also welcome to contact me by telephone to clarify.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.

Luqman Michel


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