Thursday, February 27, 2025

Trust Issues in Elections—Whether It’s the Lions Club or the State, It’s the Same Game


This is a continuation of my previous post. LINK

Analysis by Fatima Fernandez:

🔥 Trust Issues in Elections—Whether It’s the Lions Club or the State, It’s the Same Game 🔥

Fatima Fernandez

Oh, Luqman, you just hit on something BIGGER than just club politics. We’re talking about systemic election shenanigans—whether it’s in a community organization or at the state level, when transparency disappears, so does trust. And let me tell you, that’s a recipe for chaos. Let’s break this down:


1. Weak Oversight = Weak Democracy (Or Club Leadership)

 • If leadership isn’t clear on how elections are run, people start asking questions. And rightfully so!

 • When rules aren’t enforced properly (hello, lax banking controls), it just screams “something ain’t right.”


2. No Accountability? No Confidence.

 • Saying things are “fixed” without proof? Yeah, that’s PR spin at its finest.

 • Whether it’s club officials or state election boards, folks deserve facts, not feel-good statements.


3.     Silencing Critics = A Fast Track to Losing Credibility

 • Kicking out long-standing members because they questioned leadership? That’s power-tripping 101.

 • In the real world, that looks a lot like voter suppression—blocking voices you don’t want to hear.

The Bottom Line:

Elections—whether in a local club or for public office—shouldn’t be an insiders-only game. The moment leadership starts playing gatekeeper instead of guardian, you know there’s a problem.

My thoughts:

When leaders begin to act as gatekeepers—restricting access and controlling who can participate or be heard—instead of guardians—protecting and supporting their team or community—it's a sign of underlying issues. It suggests a shift from fostering inclusivity and collaboration to exercising power and exclusion, which can create problems within the organization or group.

Fatima Fernandez:

So, whether it’s the Lions Club or the State Election Board, people need to keep asking the hard questions, demand transparency, and refuse to be silenced. Because at the end of the day, a vote without trust is just a formality. And we’re not here for that.


My thoughts:

The statement emphasizes the importance of accountability and engagement within organizations. It underscores the need for individuals to actively question practices, seek clarity, and ensure that operations are conducted transparently. Is there any Lion member who disagrees with this?

When people ask hard questions, they challenge the status quo and encourage leaders to provide clear, honest answers. This process fosters a culture of openness, where concerns can be addressed, and trust can be built. Transparency is crucial because it allows members and stakeholders to understand the decisions and actions taken by leadership, reinforcing confidence in the organization.



Fatima Fernandez

Legal Breakdown – Are the Lions Club’s Bylaws Being Violated?

️ A Non-Profit Without Rules is Just a Private Club

When an organization fails to follow its own bylaws, we have a serious legal issue. In this case, we’re looking at:


1.       Questionable Elections

Was there an actual election for leadership, or was it just backroom appointments?

No meeting records? No vote transparency? That’s a red flag.



2.        Expulsion Without Due Process

A member was given notice of expulsion without evidence—where’s the accountability?

If no fair process was followed, this could be challenged under defamation laws & governance violations.



3.       Misrepresentation to the Registrar of Societies (ROS)

Reports claim that leadership told ROS the issue was “resolved.”

But members never got clarity—if ROS was misled, that’s serious.


📢 Next post: Moral & Ethical Fallout—When Leaders Abuse Their Power 🔥


Anonymous said...

Rules are rules...but they are man made. Can rules and regulations be amended to suit? Yes!!!

By AGM.... ie hold an EGM to recognize and confirm all the elected officers as per ROS roster. Invite ROS officers as observers.

Sadly, none of the NGO knew/understood the rule of the game, even the so called Legal Advisor.

AGM is the supreme authority of any ROS registered organization..... the BOD is dammed stu***, if they can control the votes, why so scared to exercise their influnce? Or pure ignorance? Maybe they aren't affraid of the Lion Hunter, and considered him as small fly?

To be fair, we have to listen to both sides of the story and advise them of their deficiency.....(haha, Lion Hunter, I also kesian those innocent(thou ignorance) but warm hearted volunteers...)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how to use AGM?

1. Call an EGM with ample notice, proper membership roster and sufficient quarum.
2. The entire BOD resign.
3. Call for nomination..on the spot.
4. The entire BOD got re-elected due to "No Challenge".
5. Motion to decide the senior member expulsion. Keep him or kick him out? Who care?.... as long as 51% of those eligible voter voted and the decision is final.

Life go on after the AGM...and let the volunteers continue to serve the community...turn the page, in harmony.

God, I believe, never insist that human follows made-make rules.

P/s: The BOD can grant the senior member honorary membership and prevent him from casting vote at future AGM.....send him to retirement, with praise and respect. Winner don't take all.

Luqman Michel said...

Thank you for your comment, Mr. Anonymous.

My mission is to safeguard the innocent and warm-hearted volunteers you mentioned. They are being misled by the VDG and the president, who seem more focused on their own interests than on the well-being of the organization. I was prompted to investigate the dishonest actions of the Club president and secretary by another concerned member from a different club.

I initiated this process by reaching out to the DG multiple times in September 2024. I also contacted several PDGs, but they dismissed my requests, citing the 'autonomous' nature of clubs as a guiding principle.

It’s important to note that many members, including their legal advisor, are unaware of how to navigate these issues. However, it would be a mistake to assume that senior members lack knowledge of the proper procedures. In fact, they collectively possess over 200 years of experience.

When one senior member learned about the new president's appointment without an election, he suggested postponing the installation ceremony and holding an election meeting instead, but this advice was ignored. Another senior member attempted to address the issue in detail, yet again, it went unheeded. It can be challenging to assist individuals who are both arrogant and resistant to change, as you likely understand.

The Lion Hunter is not out to harm anyone; his goal is to rectify the situation and ensure that rules and regulations are adhered to, setting a precedent for future generations.

Ultimately, the only certainty in life is death. Therefore, let us strive to live exemplary lives for a better future.

Luqman Michel said...

Mr. Anonymous,
As mentioned by me earlier, something similar was suggested by a senior member, but the arrogant officers refused to heed advice.