Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Pre-Board Meeting dated 17.6.2016

At the Pre-Board meeting on 17.6.2016 among other matters the following was announced by the President, Thomas Ho Thau Phin.

The 100% Pin will be at the discretion of the President.

It was also decided to do away with the current whatsapp group and form a new whatsapp group as a few members had decided to leave the current whatsapp group.

Fortunately, after the meeting at the fellowship gathering, someone with a little sense asked this idea to be scraped and just add back those members who had left the group.

The decision made at the BOD meeting on forming a new Whatsapp group was not minuted.

Note: I have been a secretary of companies for many years and I record what has been agreed upon at the meeting. If there is any subsequent change in the decision this should and would be recorded in the subsequent meeting. Unfortunately this does not happen in our club. What has been discussed and agreed upon may go unrecorded. 

Before anyone states that not all matters discussed need to be recorded let me say that an important decision like discontinuing an official Whatsapp group is not a trivial matter not to be recorded.

Worse still what has not been discussed may be added to minutes by the President. This happened in the 4th BOD meeting which has now (as of 31.10.2016) become contentious.

To make matters worse the Secretary was not even at the fellowship meeting subsequent to the BOD meeting. Who instructed the Secretary to not record that decision about cancelling the Whatsapp group?

After the minutes were circulated, I wrote to the secretary asking him about the 100% Attendance Pin. This is the email asking about the 100% Attendance Pin.

“Your point says:
4.7 The 100% Attendance Award will be at the discretion of the President;
Does this mean we members are not going to know the criteria for this award?
Would a member not want to know what he has to do to achieve this award?
I am not sure about the others but I would sure like to know how to get this award.
Do find out for me please.

Here is the secretary’s response:

Thank you Ln. Luqman for your comments on item 4.7 of the Minutes which stated "The 100% Attendance Award will be at the discretion of the President".

This simply means that it is up to the President of the day, in your case, President Carol, to award anyone of her Board the 100% Attendance Award, at her discretion and if she so wishes to do so. 

Actually, it is quite easy to order the pin from LCIF. 
Simply enter "LCIF", then click "LCI Store". Go to "Awards Medals" and click "Attendance Awards". The 100% Attendance Pin for 2015/2016 is a folded paper bird. Anybody can buy the pin at a cost of USD 2.00.

It is up to President Carol whether she will order the pin for some of our members. 

I rest my case.

I then responded as follows:

Thank you very much for your prompt response Mr. Secretary. Unless I have got it wrong,
I believe the president elect has no business talking about the present president. As such I
believe the President Elect is talking about what will be decided during his tenure 2016/2017. Correct me if I am wrong.

Furthermore I will not be asking you for a pin for the past president's tenure since you were just an ordinary member during her tenure. If at all I should be asking her directly.

My question, Mr. Secretary, is for the future. I as a member would like to know how to avail of this100% pin for the next year. What are the criteria? Please look at my previous mail as I believe you may have misunderstood.

Simply put, what would any member have to do to get the 100% perfect attendance pin?
Kind regards,
Lion Luqman

There was no response to my question above.

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