Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My email to PDG's on 31.1.2017

The following is an email I had sent to most of the PDG's and zone chairperson on 31.1.2017,
I will post the sequence of events each day for those interested in following what has been going on in my club.

My Dear friends,
I have been expelled from my club of Kota Kinabalu Host as of 18.1.2017.
It was a premeditated move to block me from seeking the truth of the bank accounts not filed with ROS nor informed to almost all club members.

My email requesting suspension of LCKKHost

Here is an email to my Lion Leaders on 20.12.2016. I did not get any response.
Dear Dg, VDG, Zone chairperson and 2nd VDG

I refer to the above captioned in the Lions Club International manual.
It states on page 14 that clubs are encouraged to consult their zone chairperson, district governor, first vice district governor and second vice district governor if any of the conditions above exist in the club to be placed in status quo.

My club, The Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host, falls under at least one of the justifiable conditions for placing on status quo and Club Cancellation which is:

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Response from LCI to my e-mails

I have written 3 emails to LCI Legal, District Administration and Finance and have received replies from the Legal Division and addressed to Finance and Administration department of LCI.

The last email received from LCI was dated 14.2.2017 and copied to DG Eve Wong and said the following:

1.      Lions Clubs are autonomous and each Lions club is responsible for complying with local laws.
2.      If you believe that the Lions Club is mishandling club accounts, we recommend speaking with district leadership to review this matter.
3.      If you believe your removal was unjustified you may file a complaint under Club Dispute Procedure (CDRP).

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Response to comments on Facebook - Part 3

“We are always paid for our suspicion by finding what we suspect.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

George Anson Kunjan Let the EGM decide. Do not insult the intelligence of lion members.

 Response: Genuine Lions and intelligent members will not have done what your members have done, George. Your members would not have ganged up together and expelled me without going to ROS before the EGM. Lions would not have trumped up excuses to expel me. Which excuse in your Resolution to expel me is true?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

My responses to comments on FB - Part 1

This post is for Lions all over the world
My response to previous comments on FB

I went through all FB postings on 'my club experiences' and found these posts that I had not responded to as I was busy. Now, that I have all the time in the world I thought I should respond to some of the questions posed by PDG George Anson Kunjan. This is the first of such posts.