Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Response to a comment on FB by Marcia Hong


In response to a comment by a Face Book friend, Marcia Hong said that she was an invited guest at the board meeting where she had blurted out some words.

Now, I went through the minutes as I have a little time as I think that this has gone far enough and we should leave it to ROS for its investigation as I had intended.

Here are salient points in relation to the meeting:
The whole meeting was voice recorded for the first time. The president acknowledged the presence of PDG John Ho.

My comment now: It is the practice that if a friend of a member is invited to a regular meeting, the friend is only to observe and not to disrupt the meeting with comments. He may be asked at the end of the meeting what he thought of the meeting.

(Note: I have not found anything in the Lions Constitution on whether non members are allowed to attend BOD Meetings let alone disrupt the meeting. I have asked a LCI group and hope to be favoured with a response in due course.)

As you can see above, the meeting was voice recorded for the first time and it acknowledges the presence of John Ho but there is nothing mentioned about Marcia Hong. She was not an invited guest and therefore had no business eavesdropping on the goings-on of the meeting.She did not sit with the rest of us.

We have a few so called experts on Robert’s Rules in my former club, perhaps they will enlighten us.Should a non member be allowed to attend a Directors meeting? I would think, not.

The following is something pertinent in the minutes of that meeting relating to the comment above.

Ln. Luqman Michel requested permission from the Chair to speak and was granted. He was trying to raise some Facebook issues which he alleged were written by PDG John Ho.

At this point in time, Marcia Hong, (wife of PDG John Ho) who was sitting outside the
meeting room stood up and told Ln. Luqman that those issues in the Facebook were written by her and not by PDG John Ho. Since this was not the right forum to discuss matters raised  in the Facebook and to avoid further misunderstandings, President stopped the discussion and moved on to the other items on the Agenda of the meeting.

My comment now: Why was Marcia Hong sitting ‘outside the meeting room’ if she was an invited guest?

The following is copied from page 2 of Norman Lie Chin Man’s 10 page report presented at a subsequent BOD’s meeting. Bear in mind that these 10 pages were never distributed to all the members.
2. On the same night where the Requisition was tabled, LM’s attempt to clarify and explain his case was unceremoniously interrupted and cut short by the intrusion of an unruly non-member in full view of all members in attendance. LM’s right to defend his position was unfortunately not allowed to continue as the Chairperson abruptly ended the meeting thus denying LM the right to finish his dissertation properly and rationally.

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