Thursday, May 16, 2019

IPP Barry Palmer - Contradictory statements from LCIF and LCKK Host

Good morning Barry. Please click on the links provided to read the full article on my blog.

Below are correspondences between LCIF manager and me and they are self explanatory. 

Dear Lion Luqman,                                                                         25.1.2018

Your inquiry was forwarded to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) for reply.

Grant funds awarded to a Club/District/Multiple District may only be used for the purpose or project as approved by LCIF. These funds are not discretionary funds and cannot be used for any other reasons. In fact, any unused grant funds at the conclusion of a project must be returned to LCIF. Again, this applies to LCIF grants. I am not able to speak on grants that may be awarded by the association, LCI. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
(Underlining done by me)


My comment now: This is contradictory to what the secretary, Francis Liew had reported to the newspaper. (See below.)

Correspondence to and fro LCIF and me

To one of the questions LCKKHost has said that excess of funds received from sister clubs and from LCI for projects are for the use of the club. This is not logical as it will lead to misuse of funds meant for the needy.

More correspondences to and fro LCIF/ Luqman

The only logical answer to my question would be; regardless of whether the money received is from sister clubs, LCI or LCIF it cannot be used for administrative purposes.

Grants received by Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host

Here is a newspaper report (Daily Express, Sabah) on what the secretary of LCKK Host said about the grant from LCIF. This is contrary to what was written by LCIF.

“For all these projects, all fund shortages or excesses are for the account of the club”

My comment now:More importantly, does LCIF ensure that all accounting records for the projects funded by LCIF are audited by either internal or external auditors of clubs?
How does LCIF account to its donors of grants given to clubs around the world?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

My comment now: Twenty years from now I pray I won't be on earth.

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