Note: This will be the last post on Lions Club of Kota
Kinabalu Host for at least a month. It may be even 2 or 3 months.
This is a lengthy post but for those who would like to know why DG Eve Wong did not respond, this post may be able to shed some light. This email shows how devious John SF Ho can be.
This is a lengthy post but for those who would like to know why DG Eve Wong did not respond, this post may be able to shed some light. This email shows how devious John SF Ho can be.
Eve Wong had written
an email to John SF Ho and John responded as follows.
My comments in red after each paragraph of John’s email was
written and sent off to Eve Wong, International president of LCI and David
Kingsbury of LCI legal. This was in March 2017.
S F Ho <>,,,,
Mar 2017 at 01:56
Dear DG Eve Wong,
I refer to your email
dated 20 March 2017 and Luqman Michel (LM), a non-Lion member’s response to you
of the same date and also to LCI’s email of 14 February, 2017 to LM still
inappropriately addressing him as “Lion Michel” when he was already expelled as
a Lion member of Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host (KK Host) on 17 January, 2017
and LCI has been duly notified.
My response: Knowing John will come up with such accusations I
addressed the DG and PDG’s as Mr. and Ms. I did not sign off as ‘Lion Luqman’.
This is how John leads people astray – away from the issue.
I am taking the safe road and avoiding calling myself a Lion but on
the other hand am I expelled from my club or am I expelled from the Lions
Movement? Which leader of District 308 A2 can answer this question? Is there
any member at all who is able to answer this question? As far as I am concerned
I am still a Lion. I had paid my dues and it is paid to June 2017.
I am extremely dismayed
and disillusioned with the inappropriateness of your email of 20 March 2017, in
wanting to appease LM and in succumbing to his threats and emotional
blackmails. I am also totally shocked with the atrocities and audacity of LM
and really wonder why our Leader in District 308 A2 allows, tolerates and
entertains them.
DG, I have clearly told
you to focus on the LM’s issues and segregate them into:
conflicts between LM, my president, Thomas and I
issues fabricated and raised by LM
of our District 308 A2.
of LCI
My response:
I am not raising personal conflicts. I have clearly abstained from
questions on personal conflicts as that will go off on a tangent thus avoiding
the main issue.
Club issues are not fabricated. All matters have been explained by
Norman Lie Chin Man (PP) at the 8th BOD meeting. Important questions
to ask are:
How many bank accounts have been disclosed to ROS?
How many bank accounts have been disclosed in the treasury report
provided to all members via emails?
How many bank accounts have been disclosed to LCI?
Was office lot purchased reported to ROS?
Was office lot purchased reported to LCI?
Why is my name not registered as an officer for year 2015/2016 in
ROS register?
Why is Francis Liew listed as secretary in the ROS register when the
secretary for that year was Jessie Goh?
viii. Why are posts of Assistant secretary and Assistant treasurer listed in
the ROS registry when there are no such posts in the club?
Why is LCKKHost registered as LCKK in the Registry?
Why is our bank name in the registry listed as Hong Leong Bank when
we have been only informed of Alliance Bank throughout the years?
xi. Why is the name Carol Lo registered as president for year 2016/2017
when the actual president is Thomas Ho Thau Phin?
All the above and more are the concerns of District 308 A2. This
should be tackled and the culprits reprimanded if not dismissed from the Lions
Movement as a lesson to other clubs.
The above should be a LCI concern as one club should not be allowed
to tarnish the good name of what has been built up over a hundred years.
Personal conflicts are
privy and can only be settled between the involved parties amicably or through
litigation. Interference from any outside party is certainly not required and
cannot help.
Response: Agreed. I have not brought anything of a personal nature
to DG or LCI. If JH wants me to I have no problem with it.
I have told you LM has
lodged a police report on 4 January 2017 at 11.33am against me alleging that I
made certain discrediting postings about him. At 6.48 pm the same day, he
emailed me asking whether there are any matters on his Facebook that I want him
to apologise for. Then on 7 January 2017 he made a final demand for me to
apologise to him failing which he said he will go to the authorities. He
already made the police report 3 days earlier. What a lying and devious
person!! I have openly declared I will not associate with the likes of LM and
no one can make me stoop so low as to meet and talk with such a person.
My Response: The request for apology was to settle matters amicably
as suggested by the police officer. There is nothing devious about it. The
police matter is about Marcia Hong and JH defaming me on personal matters which
are all fictitious and the police advised me to settle it with John and Marcia
I wrote the following email immediately upon the return from the
police station. It was on the same date that I made the police report and not 3
days later as accused by John Ho above.
I repeat, I asked JH to apologise on the request of the police
officer who said that he will keep the police report and it can be squashed if
JH and I settle this amicably. I asked for a week to settle matters amicably.
And in the evening, as mentioned above by John Ho, I wrote again and
asked him if he wanted me to apologise on anything that I may have said. I
received no response to both the emails. A response from another member on 4th
January is shown below as conclusive evidence that I wrote on 4th
and not on the 7th.
Note that John had said “Then on 7 January 2017 he made a final
demand for me to apologise to him”. How could I have made a ‘final demand’, if
I had not made a request on the 4th? AND he calls me a ‘lying and
devious person’.
(Note as of February 2018: This case is
still pending and John is free to check with the police officer. The Investigating Officer's name is Ins. Mustapha.)
Jan 4
This email was to all members including John Ho.
Dear Mr.John Ho,
I would like to move on and would like you to apologise on the
following post in
Mr.Chin Chee Thau's face
book page on 15.11.2016. Otherwise, I will take this matter to authorities
Note to all members:
I am writing this here
instead of writing to John Ho's email hoping that one of you will be able to
convince him to just apologise and move on.
Regret any inconvenience caused.
Luqman Michel
Dear Luqman
Knowing John Ho he is not likely to apologise.
But let us assume he dose apologise, does that mean you will stop and go on
with your life or you will still go on sparring with him?
![]() |
And then as admitted by John above I made a final request to settle
matters amicably on 7.1.2017.
In return I also lodged
a police report against LM and Bukit Aman is now investigating whether to
charge him for false police reporting (as I do not even have a Facebook account
and those postings were not made by me), also under Section 233 of the
Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for making offensive comments against me
publicly and also into the possible motive of extortion.
Response: I don’t know about John Ho not having a Facebook account
but he had specifically said that he is using Marcia Hong’s account to write
some matters on Facebook. All information posted in Facebook by Marcia Hong is
privy to Lions members and the question that should be asked is as to how she
knows this information. John Ho’s hand phone had been used to forward Facebook
comments to the Lions Whatsapp group. Were these posts posted by Marcia Hong
from John Ho’s account without his knowledge? (I can send samples to you if you
as of February 2018: Here is proof that John uses his wife’s facebook account
to post messages. AND he is a PDG and he calls me devious!)
Club issues are internal
and have to be dealt with by the club itself. In this case the action taken by
KK Host is most appropriate. LM was expelled by unanimous vote of 38 members at
a special members meeting for rendering himself unworthy of membership for
injuring the good name of KK Host and disturbing its well- being in his public
media Facebook postings and blogs. Yet you as the DG have considered him worthy
enough to join us (Lions) again to serve. This is indeed very disturbing!! If
that is really how you feel why don’t you invite him to be a member of your
Response: Unanimous votes? Were the members well informed about what
was recorded into the ROS registry? Did I not ask for amendments to be made in
the registry before the EGM? Did I not email the auditor for 2015/2016 and
copied to all members asking for how many bank accounts were audited for that
year? Did I not say that I will not attend the EGM if all these and more
questions are not answered?
Please refer to the BOD papers presented at the 8th BOD
by two independent parties – Mr.Norman Lie Chin Man and Mr.Horace Ho Toh Chee.
Why were 10 pages of report by Norman Lie and one page by Horace Ho reduced to
just one sentence each in the minutes? How would any member who had not
attended the 8th BOD meeting know what was presented by Norman Lie?
(My comment as of February 2018: According to the LCKKHost constitution all that is needed is for 2/3 majority of Board members. John ho could have easily obtained that. Why did he choose to have an EGM and took the trouble of getting all his old cronies who had not attended any BOD meeting over more than a few years?
LM has also lodged a
police report against KK Host making totally unfounded allegations and a few KK
Host members have been summoned by the police to make statements. KK Host is
now contemplating taking action against LM.
My response:I have asked around and been told that there was no
discussion about KK
Host contemplating taking action against me. Did LCKKHost
given John permission to
make decisions on behalf of the board?
as of February 2018: It has now been a year and KKHost has not taken any
action against me. Is there any KKHost member who can confirm that KKHost is
contemplating taking action against me?)
Anyway LM has repeatedly
said “it” is not a club matter. Why are you considering this a club matter and
why did LM have such audacity to demand for you, a few PDGs (including PDG
James Teo & IDPG Lawrence Ting) to sit down with my president Thomas and I
and some officers of his choice to settle problems and until this is done he
will not stop writing? Why are meetings after meetings necessary when you, VDG2
and your ZC have already met with us on 17 February 2017? Does LM have the
audacity to think that is not good enough because he and his cronies are not
there? He is merely behaving like a spoilt brat throwing tantrums until he gets
what he wants. Are you going to give him what he wants?
Response: The DG had asked me to attend the meeting stating that she
will find out why I had been sacked and that she will try and reconcile
matters. I told her that this matter has well passed that stage and she should
be looking into removing Thomas Ho and John Ho as members of the club.
As for writing on Facebook, I have it in writing from John Ho asking
me to write to my friend in US to find out if what I am saying is
‘Unlionistic’. I told John that instead of asking one friend I shall ask all my
friends on FB. AND that is what I have done.
As for “to sit down with my president Thomas and I and some officers
of his choice to settle problems” – I had said that they may brings 2 or 3
members of their choice and I bring 2 or 3 members from my end.
As for “Why are meetings after meetings necessary when you, VDG2 and
your ZC have already met with us on 17 February 2017?” I believe this is
another one of John’s exaggeration. I know of only one meeting that had been
held by DG with 2 others.
as of 20.2.2018: Eve Wong had promised to meet me on 17.2.2017 but she did not.
She did not meet me because of the meeting with John Ho where she would have
got a shelling like John does when he wants no one else to speak.)
Concerns of our District
308 A2 have to be dealt with by the DG and its cabinet.
Likewise concerns of LCI
have to be dealt with by the DG, its cabinet and or POAs at the instructions of
Response: Do whatever is the proper way to deal with this matter.
(My comment as of February 2018: Yes, I now
again request LCI to instruct the current DG Pelly Lee to appoint a few
conciliators to settle this issue. What is Pelly Lee and her cabinet waiting
for? )
Not being on the Board
of Directors of KK Host and not being a member of your Cabinet, can you please
let me know why you are writing that email to me or why you consider I am one
of the parties to settle the problem?
My response: (On behalf of Ms.Eve Wong if I may) It is John Ho who
is the cause of all these problems. He is the one responsible for opening the
third bank account in Alliance Bank which has not been audited and which was
not presented to the BOD when I was director for 2015/2016. This account has
never been audited nor presented to a majority of the members. It is John who
had misled all members that everything recorded in the ROS is accurate.
comment now as of February 2018: Now I know of another 2 bank accounts in Hong
Leong Bank as well as a fixed deposit account.)
Also you urged ALL OF us
to settle things internally and not going public. DG, when did my president
Thomas or I write anything in public? It is only LM writing in the public
Response: Just because John has deleted all his posting directly and
via Marcia Hong does not mean there are no evidence of his public postings.
There are others from his club who have also posted despite requests from me
not to post anything on my Facebook posts.
as of 20.2.2018: There were continuous postings by PDG George Kunjan, Marcia
Hong and Queenie. There were also posts
by PP CCPung. The photo above should be prove enough that John Ho is being devious.)
LM has the audacity to
treat you, our duly elected Leader of District 308 A2 as a super class post
office delivery person for delivering his packages to President Thomas and
trying to deliver to me. (I refused to take delivery as I consider this highly
degrading for my DG). Why did you allow this? Surely he could have sent the
materials himself or by courier.
Response: The material I gave to DG was in support of my letter
together with the requisite amount for opening a CDRP procedure. I was just
following LCI instruction to request for CDRP procedure. AND John wants all
concerned to believe that he did not read what was sent to him!
LM also has the audacity
to endlessly accuse KK Host of misappropriation of funds and steal from funds
meant for the needy. Isn’t it the onus on him to prove all these very serious
allegations and not for us to prove our innocence? Is having more than 2 bank
accounts acceptable evidence? Can he tell you the amount misappropriated? Can
he name the person or persons who have “stolen” the money? Can he state on
which day or days the funds were misappropriated?
Response: Not in its entirety but I was about to do it via checking
of books of the 3rd bank account when I was rudely dismissed. My
expulsion was a result of asking for the number of bank accounts LCKKHost has.
Following that John guessed that I will then ask for the accounts of the 3rd
bank account as there is a provision in the Constitution and the Societies Act
for a request by any member in good standing to inspect the records of the
club. John is aware that once expelled I will not be able to check the accounts
and that was the motive for my dismissal.
comment as of 20.2.2018: I have now proven that there are an additional 3 bank
accounts complete with bank account numbers not made known to members. I have
shown the statement signed by John Ho and Joseph Chai which clearly shows funds
from the hidden accounts being used for purchase of air conditioners and
renovation expenses.
fact is that the balance of the hidden 3 bank accounts was not accounted for.
They were not included in the financial statements filed with ROS. This was
never discussed at the AGM during my year or prior to the years I was a
me the bank statements and the cheque butts and I will tell you exactly when
the money was taken out.)
The police in Bukit Aman
and Travers have already advised me to initiate legal action against LM for
these allegations. I am holding back because I doubt he has enough money to pay
if he loses.
Response: Enough money to pay if I lose should not be the criterion
and not his concern.
LCI’s comments on this
are appropriate. “ If YOU BELIEVE that KK Host is mishandling club accounts,
ask the District Leadership to review the matter” Surely then the District
Leadership should ask for evidence from LM instead of calling for meetings to listen
to stories.
Response: It is best that we all do it together. I am ready. My
letter to Ms.Eve Wong to start CDRP procedures was handed to her on 12.2.2017
in the presence of another president from another club – President Chong Tsen
comment now: Why has the DG, or VDG or PDG’s not called me up to question me
directly? John Ho has ordered this to be carried out. What are they waiting
LCI’s comments on his
expulsion are also appropriate. “If YOU BELIEVE that your removal is
unjustified, file a complaint under CDRP.” Just ask him to do that. He did not
even attend the special meeting to present his case when he was accorded that
opportunity to do so.
Respond: My expulsion is unjustified but right now this is not what
I am concerned with. ROS has said that they will investigate and reinstate me
if they find that my expulsion was invalid. I am more concerned with the good
name of the Lions Movement and how it is being tarnished by the devious acts of John
and Thomas by misleading LCKKHost.
DG, if you are sincere
in wanting to tackle this problem just do what LCI suggests. Listening to LM’s
stories will never solve anything; they are all fabricated and twisted to his
advantage and he will never stop writing no matter what you do. He will only
stop when the Police takes action against him and hopefully that will come
Response: Specifically ask John Ho what I had fabricated or twisted.
I am prepared to answer all questions. Let the police investigate. My request
is for LCI/Leaders of District 308A2 to investigate this matter and have Thomas
Ho and John Ho stripped off their titles before the 2017 convention. I wrote in
December 2016 to apply Status quo and suspension of LCKKHost until
investigation is over. I still request for same to be done as an example to all
other clubs.
(As of February 2018: carefully read Kim's letter below to see how devious a ruthless PDG can get.)
PDG John S F Ho
Nai Seng Tan: Michel, these are good material for management studies and you should look seriously into writing a book about it.
Yes, I intend to do just that, Thank you.
Sadly, many Lions Clubs nowadays have become political and self serving especially to its club officials (and, of course, that includes the District, National and International levels). I was once an ardent member of the Lions but resigned after four years because I found our Club is controlled only by one greedy, opportunistic and autocratic person. Our District is also a dirty institution run by power-greedy assholes.
Thank you very much for your comment. I know what you say to be true in my former club as well as at district level. It is sad to note that none of the Lions members even bother to click 'Like'. They are afraid of of the 'Power Greedy A....'
How do educated members of the largest Lions Club in Sabah allow a clown to control them for such a long time is beyond me.
Nai Seng Tan: Michel, these are good material for management studies and you should look seriously into writing a book about it.
I have found a publisher and I believe I can spare the money for it - only rm3000 for editing and publishing. I have agreed to start in April.
“Personal conflicts between LM, my president, Thomas and I” (John Ho as said above)
I have not highlighted personal conflicts between John Ho and Thomas and me.
It started off with John Ho berating me saying that I should have asked for his advice on 100% perfect attendance pin instead of asking someone from USA. He was upset that the person who answered my question will have a low opinion of LCKKHost.
At that point in time I was a Board member and the board members were asked by the Board to find out who is eligible for the 100% perfect attendance pin. (Fortunately this is in the minutes)
The Board would not have asked its members to find out this if the Board members knew the answer.
A few days later President Carol Lo telephoned me and asked me to find out the answer as soon as possible.
I found out the answer and gave a succinct reply to all the members via an email. That email was also sent to John Ho and that started the personal conflict between John and me. John then dragged Thomas into the arena and made a personal grudge into a club affair.
Nai Seng Tan: This is a case of pyschological insecurity and are usually jealous of others who are more capable. It is in behavioral science first semester reading material. It is associated with inferiority complex and lack of confidence to lead a normal life. Some of the causes are associated with parental issues. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung wrote about it.
I think you have hit the nail on the head. John Ho has made the LCKKHost members feel that he is big while the rest feel pretty small. He was the one who was sought after for any questions the club had and he simply could not accept a 2 year member providing an answer to questions the BOD could not provide.
You can see that he strives for superiority by mentioning he is a former partner of Peat Marwick Mitchell whenever he gets a chance.
He changes words I have used form ‘the largest firm in SEA’ to ‘one of the largest firm in SEA’.
Don’t forget about his bragging about his fine dining and the photo of his car on his profile photo. All these are to convince himself that he does have worth.
I understand from others that most PDG’s don’t like him because he likes to belittle them at conventions. He tries to make himself bigger by making others feel small.
He would have learned his lesson if only I was present at such conventions. I would have put him in his place.
Thank you for your compliment.Wish you well.
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