Monday, December 25, 2017

Recollection for new comers

This is for new comers who had not followed my story from the beginning.

When the problem arose between John SF Ho and me, Horace Ho of my former club telephoned me and asked if I would like to make peace with John Ho and I accepted. It was John Ho who did not want to.

Lions Club - Fun with Chinese Sayings

The following is what Marcia Hong, common law wife of John S F Ho, had commented in my post ‘Lions Club – Kai Tian Pi Di’ on 20.12.2017.

“Luqman now admits KK Host is NOT suspended. He only hallucinates and conjures KK Host suspension, like he does with everything else.
He now says "Actual suspension will occur after reviewing answers submitted" Answers were already submitted within 24 hours and still no suspension. It will not happen as the 2 questions raised are purely administrative and so insignificant that they DO NOT warrant any suspension/deregistration.”

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Lions Club - Arrogance

I had written many emails to PDG’s and DG. If only they had a little thinking power and took it upon themselves to nip this in the bud I would not have wasted so much time and money running around and my former club will not be in this awkward position. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Lions Club - Show Cause letter from ROS

Lions Club


开天辟地 Kai 1 Tian 1 Pi4 Di4

The proverb above basically means to do something historic and unprecedented. Literally it means “to open up heaven and earth.”

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Response to a comment in my Facebook post

A president of another club. President Ctv Chong, who shared my post had commented: “This is the same thing as you wrote one year ago. Do you have any proof? Give us the proof and we will give you the support.

I had given him a long list of proofs but in addition I would like to ask him and other Lions anywhere in the world the following which is in my blog.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Lions Club - Seeking justice

 - In a nut shell –
This is for new comers who are new to my blog on my club experiences. Please read my blog posts earlier to this date to really understand what this blog is all about. It is about my former club, Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host, Sabah, Malaysia from which club I was wrongly expelled. I have been seeking justice from Lions Clubs International to no avail.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Response from Lions Club International 4.4.17

Wonder of wonder, the Public Affairs Manager of Lions Club International responded with immediate effect as below:

Don't forget that the response was on my birthday. Could there have been a better birthday present?

Please note the persons it was addressed to. There is no question of the Legal, Finance and Administrative office not receiving my complaints. The DG, Eve Wong cannot deny receiving the same.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Emails to Lions Club International -4.4.2017

Th following is the whole of my email to 5 recipients named below on 4.4.2017 (My 65th Birthday). I shall post one email at a time and those interested may come back to this blog on a regular basis to view the rest. 
From: luqman michel []
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 4:09 AM
To: Legal; Finance; District Administration; Kingsbury, David; Eve Wong
Subject: Lions Constitution

Dear Friends,
I have decided to posts articles on Facebook and hope my friends
on FB can do something to get you guys at LCI to act.

This is getting ridiculous where my emails are not even acknowledged receipt by you.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Religious Hypocrites

I have said that I had written all that I wanted to write about my Lion’s Club and want to move on. It is time consuming, to say the least, to write posts in my blog and on Facebook. But….

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lions Club - why?

This is my explanation on why I have started writing on my club matters after promising to stop writing.

On Deepavali Day 18.10.2017, I went to Sri Pasupathinath Alayam Kota kinabalu on the invitation of the Deputy Chairman of the Temple.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

What is wrong is wrong

It does not matter who makes a mistake a wrong is wrong.
Here is a scene from the Tamil epic ‘Thiruvilayadal’. I have seen this movie many times and it probably affects my thinking to a great extent as I will say what I have to say regardless of who the other party is. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Breach of promise

There is no greater fraud than a promise not kept.
Gaelic Proverb

I find that people today treat their words lightly. They say things they don’t mean and when they do it often it becomes a habit and they don’t realize that it is wrong even when it is pointed out to them.
When you break your promise you lose credibility. Most people do not give second thoughts to breaking promises but then again I have heard many friends say that so and so can never be trusted. In fact I had heard this mentioned several times in Lions club of Kota Kinabalu Host about Dr. Muthusamy.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Apathy, Ignorance and Stupidity in the Lions Movement

A Face Book friend of mine, Harold Rozario, had written a post this morning on Apathy and Ignorance.
He said he now realizes that people have lost focus. He is speaking on many issues but what he said is equally true with the Lions Club of 308 A 2. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

My response to MAJAPS dated 22.5.2017

Dear Datuk Seri Panglima Clarence B. Malakun,

Thank you for your long awaited response to my several emails the first of which was dated 24.2.2017 and several telephone calls to your personal secretary.

Let me just make it clear to you that this is not a matter of exacting revenge but requesting you to look into a complaint of a member of MAJAPS who has acted without integrity.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Rersponse from MAJAPS dated 20.5.2017

Sent: Saturday, 20 May 2017, 13:18
Subject: Re: Seminar

Mr. Luqman Michel,

I am directed to refer to your several emails.

Firstly, your grievances with the Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host in particulars, with Datuk Dr. Muthusamy, J.P has nothing to do with the Council of The Justices of The Peace, Sabah and therefore will not become involved nor be utilized by you to extract revenge against the organisation / person whom you have mentioned.

Another letter to DSP Clarence B. Malakun dated 4.5.2017

Hi again Ms. Melisa,
What a coincidence that I was sent a form on the seminar to be held on 29.5.2017.
Would it be worth my time to attend? I guess it will be all for 'SHOW'.
If the chairman of MAJAPS does not even have the courtesy to reply my emails despite
so many requests what is the point of people attending these seminars.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Conduct unbecoming of a JP - Dr. Muthusamy Palanisamy - Final request

Sent: Thursday, 13 April 2017, 5:42
Subject: A second reminder - Conduct unbecoming of a JP - Datuk Muthusamy

Dear Datuk Seri Panglima Clarence B. Malakun.

I attach herewith my letter to you dated 24.2.2017 and would be grateful for a response from you.

I am willing to be grilled by you on any of the matters I have informed you regarding the conduct of a  Dr. Muthusamy which is very unbecoming of a JP.

I hope to get a response from you.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.
Thank you and kind regards,
Luqman Michel

Dear Datul Seri Panglima Clarence B. Malakun,
I have been writing and telephoning your secretary many times and have not received any response from you.

I would be grateful for a response as to what I should do or report to whom to get a response as I believe that the conduct of JP Muthusamy is unbecoming of a JP.
Thank you and kind regards,
Luqman Michel

Conduct unbecoming of a JP- Dr.Muthusamy Palanisamy

Dear Ms. Melisa,
If you still have time to put this in together with my emails and attachments I
had sent to you earlier today, please do.
Dear Datuk Seri Panglima Clarence B. Malakun,
Here are a few questions that I did not highlight in my email earlier:

Conduct unbecoming of a JP - Datuk Muthusamy

Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2017, 19:02
Subject: Re: Conduct unbecoming of a JP - Datuk Muthusamy

Dear Ms. Melisa,
If you still have time to put this in together with my emails and attachments I
had sent to you earlier today, please do.

Dear Datuk Seri Panglima Clarence B. Malakun,

Here are a few questions that I did not highlight in my email earlier:

My correspondences with MAJAPS - DSP Clarence B. Malakun - Part 1

Datuk Seri Panglima Clarence B. Malakun
Majap Kota Kinabalu Chairman.
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Luqman Michel
21, Golf Garden
88300 Kota Kinabalu,
Dear Sir,
Datuk Muthusamy Palanisamy – conduct unbecoming of a JP.

My name is Luqman Michel bearer of ic 520404055139.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Justice of Peace - JP

I have decided to write a few articles on my observation of one of the JP’s,  Dr.Muthusamy Palisamy, in my former club which I think is unbecoming of a JP.
I have complained to MAJAPS and I am looking forward to their response after their meeting this 28.4.2017.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Justice of Peace - JP

I have decided to write a few articles on my observation of one of the JP’s, Dr. Muthusamy Palisamy, in my former club which I think is unbecoming of a JP.

I have complained to MAJAPS and I am looking forward to their response after their meeting this 28.4.2017.

Meanwhile, here is something I copied from the internet for your information. You may read the whole article at the site below.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My email to PDG's on 31.1.2017

The following is an email I had sent to most of the PDG's and zone chairperson on 31.1.2017,
I will post the sequence of events each day for those interested in following what has been going on in my club.

My Dear friends,
I have been expelled from my club of Kota Kinabalu Host as of 18.1.2017.
It was a premeditated move to block me from seeking the truth of the bank accounts not filed with ROS nor informed to almost all club members.

My email requesting suspension of LCKKHost

Here is an email to my Lion Leaders on 20.12.2016. I did not get any response.
Dear Dg, VDG, Zone chairperson and 2nd VDG

I refer to the above captioned in the Lions Club International manual.
It states on page 14 that clubs are encouraged to consult their zone chairperson, district governor, first vice district governor and second vice district governor if any of the conditions above exist in the club to be placed in status quo.

My club, The Lions Club of Kota Kinabalu Host, falls under at least one of the justifiable conditions for placing on status quo and Club Cancellation which is:

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Response from LCI to my e-mails

I have written 3 emails to LCI Legal, District Administration and Finance and have received replies from the Legal Division and addressed to Finance and Administration department of LCI.

The last email received from LCI was dated 14.2.2017 and copied to DG Eve Wong and said the following:

1.      Lions Clubs are autonomous and each Lions club is responsible for complying with local laws.
2.      If you believe that the Lions Club is mishandling club accounts, we recommend speaking with district leadership to review this matter.
3.      If you believe your removal was unjustified you may file a complaint under Club Dispute Procedure (CDRP).

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Response to comments on Facebook - Part 3

“We are always paid for our suspicion by finding what we suspect.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

George Anson Kunjan Let the EGM decide. Do not insult the intelligence of lion members.

 Response: Genuine Lions and intelligent members will not have done what your members have done, George. Your members would not have ganged up together and expelled me without going to ROS before the EGM. Lions would not have trumped up excuses to expel me. Which excuse in your Resolution to expel me is true?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

My responses to comments on FB - Part 1

This post is for Lions all over the world
My response to previous comments on FB

I went through all FB postings on 'my club experiences' and found these posts that I had not responded to as I was busy. Now, that I have all the time in the world I thought I should respond to some of the questions posed by PDG George Anson Kunjan. This is the first of such posts.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Strange but true

I have been reprimanded by a few members, since my first email to members of my club, who kept saying that the proper way to bring up matters is to discuss it in the BOD meeting and not via emails.

That made no sense to me and I kept writing emails as well as bringing up matters at the BOD meetings. By writing emails all members, a majority of whom do not attend BOD meetings, will be informed.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Norman Lie's Board Papers -7.2.2017

Norman Lie’s BOD papers – 7.2.2017
The year of the Rooster started with a bang for KK Host with two main events that had attracted members’ interest to turn up in large numbers, the impending handover of the Asrama Desa Lion on 18 February 2017 is a long awaited event that will culminate as the highlight of fiscal year 2016-17. (Other than the 50th Anniversary celebration in October 2016)

The first event on 3 January 2017 was unfortunately unprecedented, involving 41 members which would go down in History of the Club as a day of immense controversy and somewhat sordid an affair where members in general were lobbied to attend and make decisions based on evidence put forward by 18 members to judge LM’s legitimacy to remain a member of the Club. No need for me to expound further the outcome of the 03 January special meeting.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Dear Lion Members.
I understand the special meeting to-night is going on despite my request to update the ROS records.
I request the BOD to amend the following from the 6th BOD.